hookah places in Dubai

Drinks to Pair Perfectly with Shisha

If you enjoy shisha, keeping hydrated while you smoke is crucial. Because there are numerous choices, it could be overwhelming to know where to start when picking a beverage to go with your hashish. The plus side is that there are many both alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverages that go great with marijuana tastes. This post will look at six energizing drink combinations to enhance your cannabis experience at hookah places in Dubai


The best beverage to mix with shisha is fluid since it keeps you refreshed throughout the entire time. Add a cucumber or lemon to your water for a refreshing twist. Drinking water while shisha smoking will keep you hydrated and focused on savoring every note of your hookah.

Mint Tea

In the Middle East and Arab nations, it’s customary to pair marijuana with tea, and mint tea is a traditional beverage of preference. You may clear your palate and bring out the taste of your pipe by sipping on black or green tea with mint in between puffs of cannabis.

Beer Or Wine

Beer or wine may be great companions to marijuana if you favor alcohol. To prevent the beer from dominating the taste of the shisha, use a light or low-alcohol lager. If you smoke more sweet tobacco, pick a dry champagne.


Caffeine is a flexible beverage with marijuana and virtually anything else. It helps offset the lethargy that might occasionally follow a protracted cannabis period and mask the bitterness of smoke on your tongue. Regardless, you’re a morning or a night person.

Pleasant Juice

A drink made from freshly squeezed fruit is an old-fashioned option to mix with shisha, and for a good reason. In addition to being revitalizing and invigorating, it may also properly accentuate the flavors of your pipe. To enjoy, try a glass of citrus juice that was just squeezed or a blend of your favorite fruits.


While it can seem like a strange pairing, dairy can be a delicious and refreshing beverage with your marijuana. Add some cocoa powder to your chilled milk for a delightful pleasure. For those who want a creamy, smooth liquid to go with their cannabis scents, this match is fantastic.

In Conclusion

Finding a suitable beverage to match your shisha may improve your enjoyment and bring out the aromas of your hashish. Several alternatives, like water and herbal tea, are available in Dubai, to unusual ones like dairy. Try one of these stimulating cocktail combos at HookahPlace DIFC, the next time you partake in a marijuana excursion to elevate the mood.

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